·Business, finance, money
Political, financial, business and social weekly of the United Kingdom, a characteristic representative of classical economic and cultural British liberalism, creator of the «Big Mac Index». Traditionally, it publishes short articles without attribution.
·Yellow press
British tabloid Sun, known for its scandalous and provocative stories from the lives of politicians, show business stars, stage and film actors, famous athletes. For a long time, the newspaper remained the most widely circulated in the UK. It is also published in Scotland and Ireland.
·Yellow press
Popular in the UK daily publication-a tabloid with sensational news from the lives of celebrities, the royal family and ordinary Britons, focused mainly on a female audience. The newspaper often publishes dubious articles with unconfirmed data. It was the Scottish version of this newspaper that became the progenitor of rumors about the Loch Ness Monster.
The free daily newspaper of Britain, which is published in the evening from Monday to Friday in London, is distributed throughout the city and in the surrounding suburbs through newspaper boxes and stands on the streets, public transport stops, shopping centers.
A popular British information and analytical weekly, representative of high-quality and author's journalism, a conservative publication with its own traditions, known for most of its history for its innovations and various investigations.
·Yellow press
A daily British publication in English, conceived in 1903 as a publication primarily for women, as a result, it has become a publication that is read mainly by men. The newspaper publishes mostly sensational news, gossip, rumors from the life of the royal family, politics, show business stars, movies, and sports.
A popular weekend newspaper in the UK, it has been published on Sunday since 1791. The world's oldest Sunday newspaper. Since 1993, it belongs to the editorial board of The Guardian. He has many awards. «National Newspaper of the Year» based on the results of 2007.
The most famous and oldest British print publication, an authoritative national newspaper with a long history and traditions, a real print brand of Great Britain, reflected in literature and cinema. Creator of the popular font «Times New Roman».
·Yellow press
Popular British daily newspaper-tabloid, focused on publishing sensational news and gossip from the world of show business, sports, film and television. The publication does not hesitate to touch on the topic «for adults» and advertise relevant products and services.
One of the most popular daily newspapers in the UK, published since 1855 in London, a conservative and innovative publication, a multiple winner in the category «National Newspaper of the Year». Europe's first electronic daily newspaper.
On the pages of this British daily, you can find a selection of the most interesting and exclusive news from the world of politics, economics, science, sports, show business, the life of the royal family and celebrities mixed with official news and a crossword puzzle.
·Business, finance, money
An international business and financial British newspaper in English, headquartered in London, specializing in reporting and analysis of events from the world of business and finance. It is known as the «London Financial Guide», after its first original name. Publishes the annual FT500 company rating.
The independent British newspaper in English, published in print form from 1986 to 2016. In 2003, it was named «National Newspaper of the Year». Currently available only in electronic format and as a website. According to the results of 2019, it is the largest and most authoritative electronic news brand in the UK.
One of the most widely read, prestigious and influential British daily newspapers, a significant newspaper brand in the UK. Its first issues contained many typographical errors, so that the newspaper earned the humorous nickname «The Grauniad» among readers.
United Kingdom
The British liberal-conservative political magazine, which describes itself as «the most influential weekly in the English language», is considered the oldest active weekly magazine in the world. A proponent of Euroscepticism and Americanism.
The publication of the British Communist Party, during the years of the USSR, was freely sold in Soyuzpechat kiosks throughout the Soviet Union. The last Communist newspaper in the UK, which continues to be published today. It is a self-governing cooperative and is published on voluntary donations.
The international English-language version of the Iranian newspaper of the same name in Farsi, published in London since 1984 by one of its two founders, is a conservative and independent publication covering the events of Iran and the entire Middle East in general in various views and opinions.
British Magazine is a weekly magazine about higher education, the leading educational publication in the UK. Initially, it was an appendix to The Times newspaper, and since 2008 it has been published independently in the magazine format. It is known for its ratings of world universities.
United Kingdom
·2 per year
·Culture and
Private design photo magazine for professionals, whose main topics are modern design, style, trends, art and travel. Each issue is dedicated to a specific country, city, place, topic, event, and individual. Most of the publication is occupied by photos with small author's comments, interviews or essays.
United Kingdom
·Culture and
British monthly magazine for South Africans living in the country. It was created within the framework of signed partnership agreements between countries to overcome the consequences of apartheid in South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. In 2006, all interested residents of South Africa were issued a visa that allowed them to visit the UK with the right to work for 2 years.
United Kingdom
·4 per year
·Culture and
The magazine is entirely dedicated to international and European theater, an authoritative seasonal publication will introduce readers to modern productions, the repertoire of the world's leading theaters, offer photo reports from the stage and from behind the scenes, interviews with famous actors.
Legal monthly British magazine for a professional audience, here for almost 2 centuries, changes in legislation are published, interpretations of laws are given, examples of judicial practice are given, lively discussions are held, various analytics are posted.