Buenos Aires
A leading and respected conservative newspaper in Argentina, it is published by the family of former President Bartolome Mitre, who founded it in 1870. The newspaper's achievements in the field of journalism have been recognized with many awards.
The first popular free daily newspaper in Latin America was created on the basis of the popular evening newspaper of the same name in Buenos Aires, which went bankrupt in the 1990s. The newspaper is distributed through the transport network of major cities in the country.
Buenos Aires
·Yellow press
The most popular and widely distributed Argentine daily newspaper, dedicated to investigations, rumors, sensations, the first tabloid newspaper in Argentina, an innovative pioneer newspaper that brought a completely new model of journalism and layout to Argentina. The best-selling Spanish-language newspaper in the world, the first newspaper in Argentina with a Saturday app.
Buenos Aires
·Business, finance, money
Financial newspaper of Argentina, an authoritative and influential national daily, economic directory of the country, aimed at representatives of business, banking, investors, entrepreneurs, as well as a wide range of readers who understand the economy. The Argentine equivalent of the American «The Wall Street Journal».
Buenos Aires
The national sports newspaper of Argentina in Spanish, devoted mainly to football and local football teams with detailed analytics and forecasts, as well as other sports: basketball, volleyball, rugby, tennis, athletics, motorsport, cycling. After the closure of the sports newspaper «El Gráfico», it became a leader.
Buenos Aires
National Author's Daily of Argentina, for more than a century since its foundation, the newspaper was considered the most widely circulated in the country and over the years has earned a reputation as a conservative publication with support for the interests of the Anglo-British diaspora in Argentina. It has remained a family business for most of its history.
·Yellow press
The provincial newspaper is the Sarandi Tabloid, a popular populist publication of the Greater Buenos Aires metropolitan area. It was conceived as a competitor to the tabloid «Crónica». In the 1970s, the newspaper supported the military dictatorship, and today it is a supporter of democracy.
The newspaper of the central part of Argentina, the province of Cordoba and its administrative center, the city of the same name, a conservative daily in Spanish, which always touched on current topics and problems of the region on its pages.
Buenos Aires
·Business, finance, money
The first financial and economic newspaper in Argentina, it is distributed mainly by subscription among bankers, businessmen, investors, and financial workers. The first electronic financial newspaper in the country to open a representative office on the Internet.
Buenos Aires
·Yellow press
One of the most popular tabloids in Argentina, in the mid-1970s the newspaper was the most widely read and widely circulated print publication in the country, surpassing even Clarin. It is published three times a day: in the morning, in the afternoon (in the evening), and at night. The slogan of the publication: «Firme junto al pueblo» (Branded with the people). The newspaper's signature colors are red and black.
San Miguel de Tucuman
The largest and most influential regional newspaper of the province of Tucuman, the main information publication for the region of the Argentine Northwest, as well as one of the central publications outside of Buenos Aires. Since 2014, it is additionally produced for the province of Salta.
The oldest newspaper in Argentina, the regional daily in Spanish of the city of Rosario, located on the banks of the Parana River in the northwest of Buenos Aires. The publication has a readership of more than 2 million people in the province of Santa Fe.
Buenos Aires
The only newspaper in Argentina in English, representing the interests of emigrants, during the years of the military dictatorship, the newspaper represented the interests of the opposition. It stopped publishing in 2017 due to financial reasons and its future is still in doubt.
Buenos Aires
The most famous sports newspaper in Argentina and throughout Latin America, which was published for more than 100 years, but was forced to close in 2018 due to unprofitability. Among its readers, it was known as «La Biblia del deporte» (The Bible of Sports), with a particular focus on «Creole Football». Today it is published as an electronic monthly.
Santiago del Estero
The oldest newspaper in the North of Argentina, which earned international recognition in the 1990s as «defender of civil, political, economic, cultural and social rights of Argentina», a representative of author's and authoritative journalism. Published in Santiago del Estero.
Newspaper of the Argentine city and province of Mendoza, covering the entire west of the country at the foot of the Andes, representative of the oldest school of journalism in Argentina, the fastest growing newspaper in Argentina. Also available in Chile as an international publication.
The Argentine newspaper of the provinces of Corrientes and Chaco, as well as the city of Resistencia in the northeastern part of the San Fernando Department. The newspaper publishes many appendices. For subscribers of the newspaper organized shopping club «El Norte Club».
Buenos Aires
An Argentine newspaper in German, published in Buenos Aires since 1878 as a weekly for the Swiss diaspora in Argentina and throughout Latin America. Throughout its history, it has represented the interests of the German-speaking minority in the country.
Buenos Aires
Author's and progressive, political and social, critical Argentine daily with a detailed analysis of events, distinguished by an unusual format and original design, has own style and original design, own point of views. Similar to the French newspaper «Liberacion».
San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca
Regional newspaper of San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, a city and province of Catamarca in northwestern Argentina at the foot of the Sierra de Ambato mountain system.
Buenos Aires
·Business, finance, money
An economic daily newspaper of Buenos Aires, the publication focuses mainly on domestic financial topics and markets of the capital of Argentina: business, investment, loans, transport, real estate. It was conceived as a more modern analogue of existing publications.
Buenos Aires
An Argentine newspaper in Italian, published for the Italian diaspora in Argentina and generally for all Italians living outside of Italy. The newspaper is the founder of the charity foundation for the support of emigrants and the archive on the history of Italian emigration.
The newspaper of the Argentine city of Paraná, the capital of Entre Rios province, was founded and run by the family of the current provincial governor as a political and legal newspaper that defended the interests of citizens and the freedom of society as a whole.
La Plata
The regional conservative newspaper of the Argentine city of La Plata, the administrative center of the province of Buenos Aires, during the 1976 coup d'etat, it was the central source of up-to-date information in the country.
Buenos Aires
·Yellow press
Argentina's first digital newspaper and later known as the weekly and critical political tabloid of Buenos Aires, covers many topical topics in the region. Published on Saturdays and Sundays, the newspaper's slogan is «Periodismo puro» (True Journalism).
The regional Argentine newspaper of the city of Junin, located in the north-west of the country in the province of Buenos Aires, a newspaper with democratic principles, is known for its journalistic research. Distributed in more than 40 provinces.
General Rock
The largest daily newspaper of Argentine Patagonia, published in General Roca, covers the provinces of Rio Negro, Neuquen, La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Chubut. This newspaper always put the interests of the region's residents first, and often criticized the government.