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Information about «Marianne» media
Magazine Name:
Czech Media Invest
CMI France
Country / Region:
France (Paris)
Format type:
Political alignment:
Publication Years (print version):
1997 — now (26 years)
Publication Years (digital version):
2015 — now (8 years)
120,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
marianne.net [read with translation ]
This is a French political weekly that was created by the famous French journalist, representative of the left-wing political movement, Jean Francois Kahn in 1997. For a long time, Kahn worked for such French publications as «
Le Monde » and «
L'Express », was a war correspondent in Algeria and North Africa, and criticized political, economic and military adventures. During this period, he often published his articles under the pseudonyms François Darras and Serge Maury. The logo and title of the magazine use the symbol of the French Republic — the image of Marianne, a young woman in a distinctive Phrygian cap, who embodies the national motto of the republic: «Freedom, Equality, Fraternity». Images of Marianne are mandatory attributes for administrative offices, state seals, and postage stamps. Marianne is also the official nickname of France since 1792, during the French Revolution. The main color of the magazine is red.
In April 2007, during the presidential elections, Marianne magazine set a French circulation record, when one of its issues with the article «Le Vrai Sarkozy» (True True Sarkozy) was printed in the amount of 580 thousand copies (the traditional circulation of the magazine at that time was 2 times lower). Despite its obvious left-liberal orientation, the magazine's editorial staff at the time supported the center-right politician Francois Bayrou and opposed the right-wing candidate in the person of Nicolas Sarkozy. Девиз журнала: «Le goût de la vérité n’empêche pas de prendre parti». Today, he also pays much attention to economic and social issues, culture, migration, environmental issues, current trends and European life in general. Some critics consider the magazine too «ideological», others — that it is engaged in reprinting other publications and does not have its own opinion.
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Detailed information about «Marianne»
Official magazine name in original language: Marianne
Owner of the «Marianne» magazine: Czech Media Invest
Publisher of the «Marianne» magazine: CMI France
Founder of the «Marianne» magazine: Jean-François Kahn
Country / Region of the «Marianne» circulation: France
General language of the «Marianne» magazine: French
Category of content of the «Marianne» magazine: Politics
Political Alignment of the «Marianne» magazine: Left
Frequency of publication of the «Marianne»: Daily
Year of foundation (established) of the «Marianne» magazine (print edition): 1997
Age of the «Marianne» magazine (print edition): 26 years
Year of foundation (established) of the «Marianne» magazine (digital edition): 2015
Age of the «Marianne» magazine (digital edition): 8 years
ISSN of the «Marianne» magazine: 1275-7500
Average circulation of the «Marianne» magazine: 120,000 (2015)
Website of the «Marianne» magazine: marianne.net
On this page you can find information about French magazine «Marianne»: short info , statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others.
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Short description of the «Marianne» contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).
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