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Világgazdaság · The Economic World

Information about «Világgazdaság» media
Newspaper Name: Világgazdaság
Newspaper name in English: The Economic World
Owner: Mediaworks Hungary Zrt.
Country / Region: Hungary (Budapest)
Language: Hungarian
Format type: Newspaper
Category: Business, finance, money
Political alignment: Right
Frequency: Daily
Publication Years (print version): 1969 — now (54 years)
Publication Years (digital version): 1996 — now (27 years)
ISSN: 0042-6148
Circulation: 13,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
Website: vg.hu   [read with translation]

Business daily in Hungarian, also known as «Zöld újság» (The Green Newspaper). From the very first issue in 1968, the newspaper is printed on light green or yellow green paper. According to one version, this is due to the purposeful decision of the publisher, the desire to be similar to other popular business publications that are traditionally printed on colored paper (for example, the «Financial Times»). This is an almost costless and well-proven method of creating a memorable brand for the publication over the years. According to another version, at first the newspaper was simply printed on cheap technical paper of a gray-green hue, and after that it became its distinctive feature.

«Világgazdaság» (The World Economy) was founded by Hungarian economist Marton Tardos, who served at the Institute for Economic Research and Market Relations. The newspaper was to become the main daily source of information for government leaders and company executives, reporting on the latest developments and trends in the global and Hungarian economy. «Vilaggazdasag» received the main material for the publication by telex from Western news agencies (Reuters, Associated Press, UPI).

In the period 1979-1988, the newspaper had the status of «Closed, accessible only for internal use by members of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce», it was not available for free sale. After that, it became available again for free sale and by subscription.

Világgazdaság is owned by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Business and Marketing Research. Available online since 1996. The publication regularly organizes various events and conferences for representatives of business and the economy. The main sections of the publication are: Adózás (Taxes), Egészségügy (Health), Energia (Energy), Friss hírek (Latest News), Gazdaság (Economy), KKV (Medium and Small Businesses), Közélet (Society), Manager Magazin (app, Magazine for Managers), Pénzügy (Finance), Vállalatok (Companies), Vélemény (Opinion).

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Detailed information about «Világgazdaság» media

Official newspaper name in original language: Világgazdaság

Newspaper name «Világgazdaság» translated in English: The Economic World

Owner of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: Mediaworks Hungary Zrt.

Founder of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: Tardos Márton

Country or region of publishing of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: Hungary

General language of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: Hungarian

General category of content of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: Business, finance, money

Political alignment (orientation) of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: Right

Frequency of publication of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: Daily

Year of foundation (established) of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper (print version): 1969

Age of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper (print version): 54 years

Year of foundation (established) of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper (digital version): 1996

Age of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper (digital version): 27 years

ISSN number of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: 0042-6148

OCLC number of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: 922658750

Average circulation of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: 13,000 (2015)

Website and digital version of the «Világgazdaság» newspaper: vg.hu

On this page you can find information about Hungarian newspaper «Világgazdaság»: short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «Világgazdaság» contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read Hungarian newspaper «Világgazdaság» in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «Világgazdaság» on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RSS reader.

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