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El Diario Meridiano · The Meridian Diary

Information about «El Diario Meridiano» media
Newspaper Name: El Diario Meridiano
Newspaper name in English: The Meridian Diary
Owner: Bloque DeArmas
Country / Region: Venezuela (Caracas)
Language: Spanish
Format type: Newspaper
Category: Sport
Political alignment: None
Frequency: Daily
Publication Years (print version): 1969 — now (54 years)
Publication Years (digital version): 1996 — now (27 years)
Circulation: 150,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
Website: meridiano.net   [read with translation]

The main sports daily newspaper of Venezuela, published since November 3, 1969. Translated from Spanish, it is called «Newspaper-Meridian» or «Diary-Meridian». Its main topics are baseball and football, as well as horse racing. The newspaper pays approximately equal attention to all these sports. The newspaper provides detailed information about all sports clubs in Venezuela and the Caribbean: Academia, Aragua, Atl. Venezuela, Carabobo, Dep. Jara, Estudiantes, Gran Valencia FC, La Guaira, Lala, Metro FC, Metropolitanos, Mineros, Monagas, Portuguesa, Táchira, Trujillanos, Yaeacuyanos, Zamora, Zulia. In a special section, sports correspondents of the publication (Avelino Avancin, Max Lefeld, Manuel Vargas, Nelson Padilla, Roberto Dorta) talk and discuss the results of matches, draw up ratings of players and clubs, and give forecasts for upcoming games. Content of the newspaper «El Diario Meridiano»: baseball (Grandes Ligas, Liga Nacional, Venezolano, Liga Americana, American baseball), football (football of Venezuela, La Vinotinto, European League, Champions League, Premier League, Italian League, Spanish Football, Latin American Football, International Football), basketball, motorcycle racing, auto racing, tennis, cycling, seasonal sports, winter sports, horse racing. On the basis of this newspaper, a special extended version of «Meridiano Hípico» is published, completely devoted to horse racing (program, results, forecasts, bets, ratings). The newspaper's editorial staff has its own TV channel «Meridiano Televisión», the first and only sports TV channel in Venezuela, the newspaper is actually a replica of it. Another newspaper of the editorial office is the daily «Diario 2001».

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Detailed information about «El Diario Meridiano» media

Official newspaper name in original language: El Diario Meridiano

Newspaper name «El Diario Meridiano» translated in English: The Meridian Diary

Owner of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper: Bloque DeArmas

Country or region of publishing of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper: Venezuela

General language of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper: Spanish

General category of content of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper: Sport

Political alignment (orientation) of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper: None

Frequency of publication of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper: Daily

Year of foundation (established) of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper (print version): 1969

Age of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper (print version): 54 years

Year of foundation (established) of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper (digital version): 1996

Age of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper (digital version): 27 years

Average circulation of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper: 150,000 (2015)

Website and digital version of the «El Diario Meridiano» newspaper: meridiano.net

On this page you can find information about Venezuelas newspaper «El Diario Meridiano»: short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «El Diario Meridiano» contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read Venezuelas newspaper «El Diario Meridiano» in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «El Diario Meridiano» on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RSS reader.

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