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The Wall Street Journal

Information about «The Wall Street Journal» media
Newspaper Name: The Wall Street Journal
Alternative Names: WSJ
Owner: News Corp
Publisher: Dow Jones & Company
Country / Region: USA (New York)
Language: English
Format type: Newspaper
Category: Business, finance, money
Political alignment: None
Frequency: Daily
Publication Years (print version): 1889 — now (134 years)
Publication Years (digital version): 1996 — now (27 years)
ISSN: 0099-9660
Circulation: 2,617,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
Official Apps:
Website: wsj.com   [read with translation]

«The Wall Street Journal» is a daily American authoritative financial and business newspaper in English language. Published in New York City since 1889 by Dow Jones & Company. «The Wall Street Journal» is considered «the largest and most influential American publication and the world's leading business publication». It is the largest-circulation daily newspaper in the United States, with a daily circulation of more than 2.5 million copies in 2019. The newspaper's name is directly related to the street and Wall Street area of New York, the financial center of the United States. The publication is often referred to simply as «Journal», although it is a large-format newspaper in its format.

The publication focuses on money and everything related to it. The newspaper's content primarily covers domestic business and financial events of the North American continent, various analytics, currency exchange rates and market quotes. The regular issue of the magazine consists of about 50 pages with different sections (depending on the day of the week): Section One (national events, corporate news, politics, economics, opinions), Marketplace (market reviews, technology, media, marketing), Money and Investing (analysis of international financial markets), Personal Journal (Personal Finance, Investments, Loans, Career), Off Duty (Entertainment, Fashion, Food, Travel, Science), Review (Reviews, Comments, Ideas), Mansion (real estate market).

In the publication you can find numerous author's materials from the world's leading analysts, financiers, economists, notes and reports, ratings and forecasts. Unfortunately, The Wall Street Journal is also known for its pseudoscientific articles and opinions that the newspaper publishes and develops for the sake of business — its pages once expressed doubts about the existence of: state budget deficits, immigration problems, ozone holes, acid rain, the process of warming the planet's climate, and so on. In short, the newspaper represents and expresses the views of the so-called «true Americanism», where financial gain is paramount and decisive over everything.

Other interesting features of the publication: since 1979 and to this day, the newspaper has resorted to photo retouching technology to make them more expressive, highlighting in them those parts that the reader should pay the most attention to; traditionally, it has a lot of American humor (not understood by everyone) and cartoons; «The Wall Street Journal» calls itself a «magazine», but it is a Broadsheet newspaper. The editorial board also publishes magazines: «Barron's» (weekly) and «WSJ.» (with a dot).

«The Wall Street Journal» is also available to readers in the European and Asian regions, with special editions published once a month. The newspaper has been available on the Internet since 1996 and at first was paid, today it is an independent publication with many services. «The Wall Street Journal» has won the Pulitzer Prize 33 times. This publication is also known for its authoritative financial weekly «Barron's» and monthly magazine «WSJ. Magazine» about the «beautiful» and luxurious life.

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Detailed information about «The Wall Street Journal» media

Official newspaper name in original language: The Wall Street Journal

Additional or alternative (historical, short, second, abbreviation) names of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper (media also known as): WSJ

Owner of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: News Corp

Publisher of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: Dow Jones & Company

Founder of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: Dow Jones & Company

Country or region of publishing of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: USA

General language of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: English

General category of content of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: Business, finance, money

Political alignment (orientation) of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: Capitalism, Conservative, None, Pro Americanism

Frequency of publication of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: Daily

Year of foundation (established) of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper (print version): 1889

Age of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper (print version): 134 years

Year of foundation (established) of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper (digital version): 1996

Age of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper (digital version): 27 years

ISSN number of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: 0099-9660

OCLC number of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: 781541372

Average circulation of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: 2,617,000 (2015)

Website and digital version of the «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper: wsj.com

On this page you can find information about American newspaper «The Wall Street Journal»: short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «The Wall Street Journal» contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read American newspaper «The Wall Street Journal» in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «The Wall Street Journal» on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RSS reader.

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