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Information about «Parade» media
Magazine Name: Parade
Owner: AMG/Parade
Publisher: Advance Publications
Country / Region: USA (New York)
Language: English
Format type: Magazine
Category: General
Political alignment: None
Frequency: Weekly
Publication Years (print version): 1941 — now (82 years)
Publication Years (digital version): 1998 — now (25 years)
Circulation: 32,000,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
Website: parade.com   [read with translation]

«Parade» is the largest-circulation national American weekend magazine, as well as the most widely read magazine in the United States in general. It is aimed at a wide range of readers, but mainly at family people over the age of 30 (the average American family). It covers all possible and relevant topics of the week, from international politics to cooking recipes. The theme of the publication is more entertaining. The content of the magazine is designed so that the reader can use it as a guide, guide to action or as a reference book for the entire next week (recipes, posters, discount coupons). Published every Sunday since 1941, it was originally an appendix to the «Chicago Sun» newspaper. The undisputed magazine is a record holder in the USA, just 5 years after its foundation, it reached a circulation of 3.5 million copies. Translated from English, the name of the magazine means «Parade» in the sense of «Parade of Life». Since 1976, it has been owned by Advance Publications. The main competitor of the magazine for more than 50 years was «USA Weekend», which ended its publication in 2014. Today, the magazine has publishing houses in Nashville, New York, and Chicago. The magazine is part of the large distribution network of newspapers «AMG/Parade», which controls more than 700 American periodicals. Its readership is 42 million readers.

Popular sections of the American magazine «Parade», which are its business cards:
  • «Entertainment» — entertainment, event posters for the upcoming week, reviews of past events, movies, theater, show business, stars;
  • «Pop Culture» — contemporary media and culture, music, TV, stage, book reviews, personalities, paparazzi, rumors;
  • «Wellness» — health, tips from professionals, reviews of medications and wellness techniques, fitness, diet;
  • «Across America» — travel guide-guide to the United States (cities, national parks, routes, events);
  • «What America Eats» — a culinary guide to the United States (recipes, fast food, restaurant reviews, food festivals);
  • «Parade Sport» — sports section (NBA, NHL. MLB, NCAAF, Nascar);
  • «Food & Drink» — recipes for all occasions from the best chefs in America;
  • «Life» — leisure and recreation, family, shopping, travel, puzzles, crosswords;
  • «Ask Marilyn» is a column by American journalist Marilyn vos Savant, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as «The Owner of the world's highest IQ», where she answers readers ' questions and shares useful tips and observations with them (something like a blog);
  • «Cartoon Parade» — a section with cartoons, comics, satire and humor on current topics of the week;
  • «In Step With» — the author's «star» diary of James Brady, where his interviews with celebrities were published;
  • «Intelligence Report» — a selection of useful tips for all occasions: finance, shopping, health, entertainment;
  • «Laugh Parade» — humor and gags by Bunny Hoest and John Rayner;
  • «Numbrix» — a sudoku puzzle game with numbers;
  • «Our Towns» — borrowed articles from other newspapers and magazines, mostly American, review of the American press;
  • «The Parade High School All-America Teams» — is a sports and athletic project of the newspaper that brings together students from local universities;
  • «Walter Scott's Personality Parade» — show business, film, and television news;
  • «Keeping Up with Youth» — a section for teenagers that was popular in the 1960s and 1970s (subculture, music, fashion, etc.);
  • «Fresh Voices» is a modern section for young people and teenagers (music, style, technology).

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Detailed information about «Parade»

Official magazine name in original language: Parade

Owner of the «Parade» magazine: AMG/Parade

Publisher of the «Parade» magazine: Advance Publications

Founder of the «Parade» magazine: Marshall Field III

Country / Region of the «Parade» circulation: USA

General language of the «Parade» magazine: English

Category of content of the «Parade» magazine: General

Political Alignment of the «Parade» magazine: None

Frequency of publication of the «Parade»: Weekly

Year of foundation (established) of the «Parade» magazine (print edition): 1941

Age of the «Parade» magazine (print edition): 82 years

Year of foundation (established) of the «Parade» magazine (digital edition): 1998

Age of the «Parade» magazine (digital edition): 25 years

OCLC number of the «Parade» magazine: 1772138

Average circulation of the «Parade» magazine: 32,000,000 (2015)

Website of the «Parade» magazine: parade.com

On this page you can find information about American magazine «Parade»: short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «Parade» contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read American magazine «Parade» in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «Parade» on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RS reader.

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