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Evenimentul Zilei · The News of the Day

Information about «Evenimentul Zilei» media
Newspaper Name: Evenimentul Zilei
Newspaper name in English: The News of the Day
Owner: Editura Evenimentul şi Capital
Country / Region: Romania (Bucharest)
Language: Romanian
Format type: Newspaper
Category: Yellow press
Political alignment: None
Frequency: Daily
Publication Years (print version): 1992 — now (31 year)
ISSN: 1222-328X
Circulation: 110,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
Website: evz.ro   [read with translation]

The Romanian newspaper «Evenimentul Zilei» was founded in 1992 after censorship restrictions were lifted, and it is the first tabloid newspaper in Romania. Translated from Romanian, the newspaper's name means «Event of the Day». All materials in the newspaper are published in a typical style for this type of publication (large headlines, a lot of photos). Here, the «sharp» aspects of politics and public life are often touched upon, but in a rather calm and not «flashy» tone. In the first years after its creation, when the journalistic staff of the publication was not yet sufficiently developed, most of the newspaper's articles were «not truth», their basis and content were completely invented. In the future, the newspaper becomes a critic of the government and a fighter against corruption, its main section becomes «crime». In 1993, the publication's circulation set a national record of 675,000 copies.

In the late 90's, Evenimentul Zilei faced financial difficulties and changed hands several times. In 2003, in the wake of falling popularity, the publication was bought out by the Swiss media company Ringier (known for its tabloid newspapers), which decided to create on its basis a characteristic Romanian «Tabloid». All the old traditions of the newspaper were eliminated, the publication style completely changed and became more rough. The change in the editorial policy of the newspaper did not lead to the expected decline, its circulation decreased by 40%. Another problem was the unwillingness of the team of authors to turn a fairly moderate publication into a characteristic representative of the yellow press. Indeed, the newspaper «The Event of the Day» looks much more relaxed publication compared to its direct competitor, the tabloid Click!. Newspaper structure: national news of Romania, international news, city news of Bucharest, law and crime, incidents, culture, politics, economy, sports, discussions, historical notes, science and medicine. The electronic version of the newspaper has sections in English.

The editorial board also publishes the magazines «Capital» (money, economics, finance) and «Evenimentul Istoric» (history, facts, sensations).

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«Evenimentul Zilei» in Original Language

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«Evenimentul Zilei» in English Language

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Detailed information about «Evenimentul Zilei» media

Official newspaper name in original language: Evenimentul Zilei

Newspaper name «Evenimentul Zilei» translated in English: The News of the Day

Owner of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: Editura Evenimentul şi Capital

Country or region of publishing of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: Romania

General language of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: Romanian

General category of content of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: Yellow press

Political alignment (orientation) of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: None, Sensationalism, Yellow Journalism

Frequency of publication of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: Daily

Year of foundation (established) of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper (print version): 1992

Age of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper (print version): 31 year

ISSN number of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: 1222-328X

ISSN Web Online of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: 896832327

Average circulation of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: 110,000 (2015)

Website and digital version of the «Evenimentul Zilei» newspaper: evz.ro

On this page you can find information about Romanian newspaper «Evenimentul Zilei»: short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «Evenimentul Zilei» contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read Romanian newspaper «Evenimentul Zilei» in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «Evenimentul Zilei» on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RSS reader.

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