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Primorski dnevnik · The Seaside Diary

Information about «Primorski dnevnik» media
Newspaper Name: Primorski dnevnik
Newspaper name in English: The Seaside Diary
Alternative Names: PD
Owner: Zadruga Primorski dnevnik, d.z.
Publisher: DZP doo - PRAE srl.
Country / Region: Italy (Trieste)
Language: Slovenian
Format type: Newspaper
Category: International
Political alignment: Left
Frequency: Daily
Publication Years (print version): 1945 — now (78 years)
ISSN: 1124-6669
Circulation: 11,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
Website: primorski.eu   [read with translation]

The history of this newspaper begins during the Second World War. At that time, an illegal newspaper «Partizanski dnevnik» («The Partisan Diary») was published by Slovenian partisans in the Slovenian Primorye region. In 1945, the editorial office moved to Trieste, Italy, after its liberation. With the end of hostilities, the publication was renamed «Primorski dnevnik», which in English means «Newspaper of the Seaside» or literally «Seaside Diary». The newspaper can be safely called one of the most important representatives of the post-war foreign press in Italy.

Since 1948, the newspaper has represented in Italy the political trend of Titoism and the interests of the Communist Party of the Free Territory of Trieste. After the collapse of the USSR, the newspaper lost its communist ideology and continued to be published simply as a local newspaper of Trieste. The newspaper is aimed at Slovenes temporarily or permanently residing in Italy and Carinthia: expats, businessmen, students, tourists. Its pages address current issues and problems, describe events in the life of the Slovenian minority in Europe, and publish news from Slovenia.

Here is how the newspaper presents itself in its official appeal to readers: The main goal of the newspaper is to develop the Slovenian language, culture and other activities of the Slovenian national community, to preserve and develop the Slovenian consciousness. It defends the principles of pluralism and democracy in politics, culture and economy; is a supporter of the rule of law and the cause of peace, pays special attention to the environment, social justice and solidarity among people, a culture of active coexistence, cooperation and friendship between different national communities living in a multilingual space (especially between the Slovenian minorities of Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary; the Italian minority in Slovenia and Croatia; with the Hungarian community in Slovenia and with other minorities in Italy and Europe).

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Detailed information about «Primorski dnevnik» media

Official newspaper name in original language: Primorski dnevnik

Newspaper name «Primorski dnevnik» translated in English: The Seaside Diary

Additional or alternative (historical, short, second, abbreviation) names of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper (media also known as): PD

Owner of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: Zadruga Primorski dnevnik, d.z.

Publisher of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: DZP doo - PRAE srl.

Country or region of publishing of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: Italy

General language of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: Slovenian

General category of content of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: International

Political alignment (orientation) of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: Left

Frequency of publication of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: Daily

Year of foundation (established) of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper (print version): 1945

Age of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper (print version): 78 years

ISSN number of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: 1124-6669

Average circulation of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: 11,000 (2015)

Website and digital version of the «Primorski dnevnik» newspaper: primorski.eu

On this page you can find information about Italian newspaper «Primorski dnevnik»: short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «Primorski dnevnik» contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read Italian newspaper «Primorski dnevnik» in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «Primorski dnevnik» on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RSS reader.

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