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Guyana Periodics

Medias in category: 6

Magazine Guyana Where & What read in English

Georgetown ·English ·Magazine ·Yearly ·Travel and adventures ·None
The free, comprehensive annual guidebook to Guyana for tourists and anyone interested in the country is published simultaneously in English and Portuguese (Bilingual). It contains up-to-date information about the country, all provinces and cities, a calendar of events, an address book, and a sightseeing guide.

Newspaper Kaieteur News read in English

Georgetown ·English ·Newspaper ·Daily ·General ·None
The author's private journalistic newspaper of Guyana, which is published by the country's largest news agency Kaieteur, it also owns the radio station of the same name. The newspaper is named after the Kayetur waterfall of the same name on the Potaro River. The newspaper conducts an active dialogue with readers on its pages, for which it has earned the nickname «The Peoples'».

Newspaper Stabroek News read in English

Georgetown ·English ·Newspaper ·Daily ·General ·None
One of the most innovative and modern newspapers in Guyana, the first private newspaper in Guyana to focus on independence and openness to readers, has brought a new model of free journalism to the country, it often criticizes political parties and refuses to advertise them. It is named after the old name of the city of Georgetown, Stabrook.

Newspaper The Guyana Chronicle read in English

Georgetown ·English ·Newspaper · ·Government press ·Pro-government
The main national daily in Guyana, owned by the country's government and published by a state-owned publishing company, offers readers an overview of news and events as seen by their official government. It also publishes various official messages, notifications, and government advertising.

Newspaper The Official Gazette of Guyana read in English

Georgetown ·English ·Newspaper ·Weekly ·Government press ·Pro-government
The official newspaper of the Government of Guyana, departments and ministries, the State Bank, publishes all kinds of state decrees, messages, reports, notifications on changes in legislation, the state of the economy and the business environment, resolutions and transcripts of parliamentary sessions, and so on. It is intended for officials and their representatives.

Newspaper The Guyana Times read in English

Georgetown ·English ·Newspaper ·Daily ·General ·None
The daily full-color newspaper of Guyana, an aggregator of interesting news from various sources, publishes a lot of author's journalistic material, including from its own correspondents. It was created primarily for a foreign audience and distributed also in the United States and Canada for representatives of the local diaspora.