Medias in category: 4
The national newspaper of Guatemala, a prominent representative of author's and independent journalism, an active participant and information sponsor of sports and cultural events in the country. Undisputed circulation leader and part of the country's history.
The newspaper of independent political and economic investigations of Guatemala, founded by the leading representative of author and free journalism in Latin America, Jose Zamora after his disjoin from «Siglo Veintiuno»: investigations, intrigues, scandals, interviews, opinions.
·Government press
The official government publication of Guatemala and its ministries, which publishes various reports, statements, communications, articles of laws and their amendments. The newspaper's name is associated with the vanished Federal Republic of Central America.
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An independent national newspaper created by Jose Zamora to publish political investigations. After his abandoned from the post of editor, the newspaper became more censored and moderate, dedicated to the problems of everyday life in Guatemala.