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Tennis Magazine

Information about «Tennis Magazine» media
Magazine Name: Tennis Magazine
Owner: Alvaba Medias SAS
Country / Region: France (Issy-le-Moulineau)
Language: French
Format type: Magazine
Category: Sport
Political alignment: None
Frequency: 6 per year
Publication Years (print version): 1976 — now (47 years)
Circulation: 18,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
Official Apps:
Website: www.tennismag.com   [read with translation]

A French sports magazine whose main theme is professional tennis. Translated into English, its name means «Tennis Magazine». It is published once every 2 months, i.e. 6 times a year (additional editions may be issued for certain events or anniversaries). The cost of one room is approximately 7 Euros. The last issue summarizes the results of the year. The magazine covers in detail all the tennis matches of the year: US Open, Roland Garros, Paris Masters, Davis Cup, Federation Cup, ITF (International Tennis Association Tournaments), Tennis Masters, Hopman Cup (Cup of the Russian Federation). Hopman), Monte-Carlo Masters, Wimbledon, Tournaments of the ATP Professional Tennis Players Association (ATP 250, ATP 500, ATP Challenger, ATP Masters, ATP Finals, Tour of Champions, Kremlin Cup, St. Petersburg Open), WTA (Women's Tennis Association). On its pages, readers will find: tennis sports news, detailed photo reports, all kinds of analytics, statistics, ratings (singles and doubles, men's, women's, juniors), forecasts for upcoming matches, interviews with famous athletes, historical excursions. Each issue contains exclusive interviews with celebrities of modern tennis: Stan Wawrinka, Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Alexander Zverev, Denis Medvedev, Andrey Rublev, Serena Williams, Kara Black, Paola Suarez, Bob Bryan, Mike Bryan, Natalia Zvereva, Anna Kournikova, Simona Halep, Anastasia Myskina. The second part of the magazine is devoted to amateur tennis, it tells about equipment, gives tips and recommendations on training and playing techniques.

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Detailed information about «Tennis Magazine»

Official magazine name in original language: Tennis Magazine

Owner of the «Tennis Magazine» magazine: Alvaba Medias SAS

Country / Region of the «Tennis Magazine» circulation: France

General language of the «Tennis Magazine» magazine: French

Category of content of the «Tennis Magazine» magazine: Sport

Political Alignment of the «Tennis Magazine» magazine: None

Frequency of publication of the «Tennis Magazine»: 6 per year

Year of foundation (established) of the «Tennis Magazine» magazine (print edition): 1976

Age of the «Tennis Magazine» magazine (print edition): 47 years

Average circulation of the «Tennis Magazine» magazine: 18,000 (2015)

Website of the «Tennis Magazine» magazine: www.tennismag.com

On this page you can find information about «Tennis Magazine»: short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «Tennis Magazine» contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read «Tennis Magazine» in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «Tennis Magazine» on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RS reader.

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