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Българска армия · Bolgarska Armia · The Bulgarian Army

Information about «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) media
Newspaper Name: Българска армия
Newspaper name in English: The Bulgarian Army
Alternative Names: Военни известия
Owner: Министерство обороны Болгарии
Country / Region: Bulgaria (Sofia)
Language: Bulgarian
Format type: Newspaper
Category: Government press
Political alignment: Pro-government
Frequency: Weekly
Publication Years (print version): 1892 — now (131 year)
Official Pages:
Website: armymedia.bg/екип/вестник-българска-армия   [read with translation]

«Вестник за национална сигурност и отбрана». The newspaper of the Bulgarian Military Department, the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces, has been published since 1892. It was conceived by Lieutenant Colonel Radko Dmitriev, head of the Training Department of the Bulgarian General Staff, to publish decrees, orders and documents of the Minister of War and the Chief of the General Staff, to inform about military events, exercises, training camps, etc. The first issue of the newspaper was published on February 14, 1892 under the heading «Военни известия» or «Voenni Izvestia» (The Military News). After the end of the First World War, the newspaper was renamed «Народна отбрана» or «Narodna Otbrana» (1919). From that moment on, it had a more important task — to represent the country in the international arena and be its official military newspaper, to popularize military affairs, and to protect the honor and dignity of the Bulgarian army. Since September 14, 1944, it has been published every day on two pages with the title «Narodna Voi» for military personnel of the «Bulgarian People's Army». Since 1947, it has been published once a week. She was awarded the «Order of the First degree» for special services shown in the period 1944-1945. In 1952, it changed its name again to «Narodna Armiya». The newspaper's current name is «Българска армия» or «Bulgarian Army» since 1992. Newspaper content (30 pages): Novini (news), Drzhavnost (state news), Vissh Pilotazh (aviation), SeDnevnik (military news), Intervyu (interview), Zakon i Red (legislation), Reportage, Vremena i Khora (historical notes), Art, Orzhia (modern weapons), Svyat (international news), Voenen Sports, Reference books, and entertainment (crossword puzzles, fishing, and humor).

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Detailed information about «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) media

Official newspaper name in original language: Българска армия

Newspaper name «Българска армия» translated in English: The Bulgarian Army

Name of «Българска армия» in Latin alphabyte (transcription): Bolgarska Armia

Additional or alternative (historical, short, second, abbreviation) names of the «Българска армия» newspaper (media also known as): Военни известия

Owner of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper: Министерство обороны Болгарии

Founder of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper: Радко Дмитриев

Country or region of publishing of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper: Bulgaria

General language of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper: Bulgarian

General category of content of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper: Government press

Political alignment (orientation) of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper: Pro-government

Frequency of publication of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper: Weekly

Year of foundation (established) of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper (print version): 1892

Age of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper (print version): 131 year

Website and digital version of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) newspaper: armymedia.bg/екип/вестник-българска-армия

On this page you can find information about Bulgarian newspaper «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia): short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read Bulgarian newspaper «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «Българска армия» (Bolgarska Armia) on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RSS reader.

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