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عكاظ‎ · Okaz

Information about «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) media
Newspaper Name: عكاظ‎
Owner: Okaz Organization for Press and Publication
Country / Region: Saudi Arabia (Jeddah)
Language: Arabic
Format type: Newspaper
Category: Yellow press
Political alignment: Liberal
Frequency: Daily
Publication Years (print version): 1960 — now (63 years)
Circulation: 250,000 (2015)
Official Pages:
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Website: www.okaz.com.sa   [read with translation]

A national-level daily newspaper published in Western Saudi Arabia is considered a representative of the tabloid press. Published since 1960, it was conceived as a weekly social, cultural and literary magazine for writers, thinkers and intellectuals. After 4 years, the editorial office was transformed into a private institution, and «Okaz» became a daily newspaper (the format of the magazine was not appreciated by readers). Its main editorial office is located in Jeddah, and the second-in Riyadh, it is published in these two cities. «Okaz» is a fairly bold publication that publishes all the most interesting things about the life of Saudi Arabia, as far as censorship, ethical and other restrictions allow (politics, economics, incidents, investigations, sports, technology, city bulletin, fashion, travel). This newspaper means to Saudi Arabia what the «New York Post» means to the United States.

The title of the publication reflects the connection with the largest historical open market (or fair), «سوق عكاظ», «Sook Okaz», near Taifa, which operated annually in the period 542-726. For two weeks in the 11th month of the Muslim calendar (Dhu'l-qada), merchants, representatives of the nobility, intellectuals, thinkers and poets, preachers came here from all over the Arabian Peninsula to buy the necessary goods, conclude important agreements, settle disputes, take part in sports and other competitions. Especially significant were the competitions of poets, during which the rules of the Arabic language and its syntax were unified. As the fair attracted the best representatives of the intellectual elite, so the magazine, according to the idea of the creator Ahmed Attar, was to become the same place.

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«عكاظ‎» (Okaz) in Original Language

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«عكاظ‎» (Okaz) in English Language

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English edition of «عكاظ‎ / Okaz / www.okaz.com.sa», fresh translation by PROMT Trans
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Detailed information about «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) media

Official newspaper name in original language: عكاظ‎

Name of «عكاظ‎» in Latin alphabyte (transcription): Okaz

Owner of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: Okaz Organization for Press and Publication

Founder of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: Ahmed Abdul Ghafoor Attar

Country or region of publishing of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: Saudi Arabia

General language of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: Arabic

General category of content of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: Yellow press

Political alignment (orientation) of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: Liberal

Frequency of publication of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: Daily

Year of foundation (established) of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper (print version): 1960

Age of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper (print version): 63 years

OCLC number of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: 2265453

Average circulation of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: 250,000 (2015)

Website and digital version of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) newspaper: www.okaz.com.sa

On this page you can find information about Saudi Arabian newspaper «عكاظ‎» (Okaz): short info, statistics and historical facts, founder and owner info, years of publications, area of circulation, actions, dates, interesting moments and others. Detailed Information contains more data and actual info about issue and showed in table view. Short description of the «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) contains only general facts about media (founder, owner, publisher, years, political alignment).

If you want to read Saudi Arabian newspaper «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) in original language in digital version, just click here and you will be redirected to the official website of the media. You can read «عكاظ‎» (Okaz) on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone in your web browser or in special software applications. Many newspapers offers official software for Apple and Android users, some also for Windows Mobile. For Windows desktop users available RSS reader.

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